Hey folks,
I will like to sincerely apologise for the back and forth on my blog. I initially took the blog off with the motive of pointing it to my main site only to realise this blog ranks 100 times than my custom website. This site actually started in the year 2009 but was left inactive since 2011.
I will agree that I have so much fallen short of readers expectation for staying inactive for so long. I actually got involved with so many things in life. My responsibilities in 2009 are actually no longer the same in 2016.
My main website currently ranks about million on Alexa after month of core SEO optimization while this blog ranks about 2,500 on alexa. My action to take it off and redirect it to my main website has caused this blog to shed huge position of its previous ranking instantly as this serves as a punishment for my indecision.
It is sad that you will no longer be able to find any of the old posts on this site again as I did a mass delete on the blog content during the indecision time. This action has made the blog to appear new but thanks to the old url that keeps reminding google of its position.
I am back to stay and promise to write meaningful stuffs that you can learn from.This site will now serve as an hubspot for products and services review in Nigeria giving people informed knowledge in choosing their next product, service or company to deal with. I am also open to links and article sharing so do not hesitate to comment for further discussion. Also, do not forget that I sometimes post job opportunities so you might want to stay glued or probably bookmark this page. Thank you for stopping by.
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